Biomechanics and Ergonomics Congress Brings National and International Speakers to UEA

The event is organized by the UEA Biomechanics Laboratory and continues until Sunday (06/19), in the auditorium of the Graduate School of Health Sciences (ESA/UEA).

PHOTOS: Jacqueline Nascimento/Ascom UEA

More than 20 speakers, including four international, are at the “3rd International Congress of Biomechanics and Ergonomics (III Bioergonomics)”. The event is organized by the Biomechanics Laboratory of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), in partnership with the Fundação de Amparo at Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (Fapeam), and continues until Sunday ( 06/19), in the auditorium of the Escola Superior of Health Sciences (ESA), located Avenida Carvalho Leal, n° 1777, Cachoeirinha, South Zone.

For the coordinator of the event and professor of the specialization in biomechanics at UEA, Jansen Atier Estrazulas, the congress deals with a subject that is a “pain of Manaus”: the health of workers. “We have succeeded in bringing together national and international professionals to provide state-of-the-art knowledge to professionals and scholars in Manaus. In addition, we have the scientific part, with the support of Fapeam, in which we present more than 60 scientific works in a virtual way, and are available on the Laboratory’s YouTube channel”, he underlined.

The opening of the event took place this Friday (06/17) in the presence of Professor Paul DeVitta, from East Carolina University. The delegates were also treated to a lecture given by one of the greatest specialists in muscular biomechanics, the Swiss-Canadian Walter Herzog. “Professor Herzog’s books are the most famous in biomechanics and to receive them is an honor for the university”, underlined Prof. Jansen.

Physiotherapy student Laiza de Farias highlighted the importance of Amazonas hosting international congresses. “I am still at the beginning of my university life and participating in this congress opens up a range of opportunities for me. Yesterday I took the AEP and AET course and found it extremely interesting. This may be an area that will follow, ”said the MP.

The professor and conference leader “Biomechanical aspects in the relationship between ATM and the cervix”, Joelma Magalhães, congratulated UEA for organizing and hosting an event that few offer to TO DO. “I commend Professor Jansen’s coordination, because not everyone likes the field of biomechanics. UEA is to be commended for ensuring the exchange of knowledge with international lecturers,” he concluded.

The calendar of events continues this Saturday and Sunday (17 and 18/06). More information about the Congress can be found at

Programming of the 3rd International Congress of Biomechanics and Ergonomics

06/18 (Saturday)

2:00 p.m. – Biomechanics Session I, with Professor Heiliane Fontana, Professor Rodrigo Gheller and Professor Jaisson Estrázulas.

4:00 p.m. – Ergonomics Session II, with professors Yuzo Igarashi and Leandro Beiga.

6 p.m. – Biomechanics Session II, with Professor Érica Queiroz, Professor Jean Carlos Constantino and Professor Joelma Magalhães.

06/19 (Sunday)

8:30 a.m. – International Session II, with Professor Joel Alvarez-Ruf, from Chile; and Thomas Miliou, from Greece.

Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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