At Carnival of São Paulo 2023, Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Gaviões da Fiel presented their samba plot entitled “In the name of the Father of the Children of the Spirits and Saints”. The theme was heavily criticized by the Christian segment and the Evangelical Parliamentary Front issued a note repudiating the use and misrepresentation of a fundamental Christian dogma, the Trinity.
The note, signed by the MP Eli Borges, president of the FPE, recalls that the doctrine of the Trinity is not just speculation, but is part of the Christian’s identity. It was widely discussed within the Christian Church and defended as dogma after certain Councils, notably the Council of Nicaea I (325 AD), Constantinople I (381 AD) and Chalcedon (451 AD). The doctrine of the Trinity is non-negotiable and has been reaffirmed by Reformed churches and evangelical Pentecostal movements.
+ Evangelical bench rises to defend conservatives and ban progressive agendas
The note reinforces that the Trinity is made up of a Father, a Son and a Holy Spirit, without “sons, spirits or saints”. It cannot be vilified, modified, mocked or added.
“There is no comparison between Christ and Oxalá, deity of religions of African origin, under any circumstances,” the note states.
The Evangelical Parliamentary Front of the National Congress vehemently repudiates any use or manipulation of the Trinity and other Christian dogmas, which are the basis and structure of the Christian faith, to satisfy personal or collective desires. She will seek support through legal means to defend something that is so dear and fundamental to the identity of the Christian people.
The note points out that the Penal Code, in its article 208, characterizes public mockery for reasons of religious belief or function, disruption of ceremonies or practices of religious worship and public defamation of acts or objects of religious worship. Such practices can be punished by imprisonment from one month to one year or a fine.
Federal Deputy Eli Borges is the current president of the Evangelical Front. The note was published on the night of Wednesday 22.
The positioning of the evangelical bench has been highly praised on social networks.
“What a pleasure to read this note. So many mockeries, so many defeats for the Christian people shake our faith. Instead of praying and fighting for a better world, we fight not to weaken, not to weaken, not to fall before God. It is no longer enough for this president and his wife to promote all kinds of social misfits,” wrote a follower of the Frente page on instagram.
Another netizen said: “Congratulations to FPE through its president. We need leaders who reveal Christian principles in our country”.
Read the entire notice:
“Typical zombieaholic. General twitter fanatic. Food fanatic. Gamer. Unapologetic analyst.”