Eleven institutions that serve the population in need living with HIV/AIDS and LGBTQIA+ in the city of São Paulo received food donated during the 19th edition of the Camarote Solidário of the AIDS Agency. The event took place on June 19 and, throughout LGBTQIA+ Pride month, collected 2.5 tons of non-perishable food: rice, oil, sugar, pasta, wheat flour and general flour, beans, coffee, sauce, salt, among others.
In this edition, Agência AIDS has chosen to donate food to associations that fight against AIDS and welcome people in situations of social vulnerability. They are: Instituto Vida Nova, Gapa São Paulo, National Movement of Citizens Posithivas nucleus São Paulo, Casa Chama, Casa 1, Centro de Convivência É de Lei, Projeto Bem-Me-Quer, NGO Adus, Rede Paulista de Controle da Tuberculosis, Diversity Reference Center and STD/AIDS Reference and Training Center (CRT). Each institution will receive an average of 250 kilos of food.
“First of all, I would like to thank all the partner companies who have helped us to make possible the online transmission of the Camarote Solidário 2022 edition: Senac, Sesc, GSK, Jansen, Portal IG, Rede Cultura, Galeria 2001 and the compact edition of the transmission supported by DKT South America. The 2.5 tonnes we managed to secure will be split between 10 NGOs, all of which work to support people experiencing food insecurity. I also want to thank the people who honored our Camarote, mobilized and made donations: thank you very much. Unfortunately, due to a series of problems, Brazil has returned to the hunger map. A sad picture that will be reversed with the participation of all of us. We have done our part with the help of many people sensitive to the cause”, comments Roseli Tardelli, creator of Camarote Solidário and director of Agência Aids.
With a six-hour online event, Camarote Solidário, presented by journalist Patricia Palumbo and Drag Queen Dindry Buck, of Esquadrão das Drags, brought together activists and parliamentarians. Zélia Duncan brought the energy of Brazilian popular music.
Culture was also part of Camarote, which has existed since 2002 to encourage LGBTQIA+ solidarity and pride. In a unique show, singer Zélia Duncan brought musicality and citizenship to the event. For the first time in Camarote, in a dynamic narrative full of important AIDS information, the transmission showed, with a drone, the LGBT Pride Parade directly from Av. Paulist.
Throughout the program we show sexual health tips from Dr. Vinicius Borges, Doctor Maravilha. Testimonies from authorities and activists have encouraged the donation of basic food baskets, such as the Regional Director of Sesc São Paulo, Danilo Santos de Miranda, the Federal Deputy Paulo Teixeira, the co-advisor of the Feminist Banquet of Psol, Carolina Iara , the president of the Instituto Vida Nova, Américo Nunes Neto and the municipal human rights secretary of the city of São Paulo, Soninha Francine.
Discover the work of the first two institutions considered in the 19th edition of Camarote Virtual Solidário:
One of the first NGOs to receive the food is the Instituto Vida Nova Integração Social Educação e Cidadania, a non-governmental organization experienced since 2000 in the prevention and assistance of populations in situations of greater vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. Currently, 835 people living with HIV are registered at the institution, participating in the activities of ongoing projects. (know more)
Américo Nunes Political Director of Vida Nova
“This donation comes at the right time, it is a social and humanitarian contribution that will help us guarantee food to many families in a situation of food insecurity. At the same time, it will encourage solidarity. We are on the outskirts of the city of São Paulo with a population that lives in different situations of vulnerability, including hunger and unemployment. La Cabane Solidaire offers us the possibility of food security for a few months. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to this AIDS News Agency campaign,” thanked activist Américo Nunes, founder of Instituto Vida Nova.
Another NGO from which Camarote Solidário has benefited is the Center for Reference and Defense of Diversity Brunna Valin (CRD), a public space for the reception and social inclusion of the LGBT population: lesbians, gays, homosexuals, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals. The pioneering initiative is a partnership between Grupo Pela Vidda/SP, which has been at the forefront of CRD since 2008, with the city of São Paulo. (know more)
“CRD Brunna Valin and Grupo Pela Vidda/SP congratulate the action of Agencia AIDS, through Camarote Solidário, which, in addition to offering visibility and respect to the LGBTQIA+ community, also provides us with collected articles, food and hygiene products that contribute a lot for us to go through times of great vulnerability of the population assisted by us”, thanked Eduardo Barbosa, coordinator of the CRD.
The Solidarity Box of the Aid Agency took place with the support of SESC and Senac São Paulo, the pharmaceutical companies GSK ViiV Healthcare and Janssen and Galeria 2001. We also had an institutional partnership with TV Cultura for the publicity of the event and Portal IG, which streamed the entire Box. The compact edition of the event was supported by DKT do Brasil.
Care advice
New Life Institute
Telephone: (11) 2297-1516
Brunna Valin Diversity Reference and Defense Center
Telephone: (11) 3151-5786
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