Allie X, mysterious Canadian who delights LGBT fans, doesn’t like pop and says she refuses festivals | Pop Art

Allie X. — Photo: Disclosure

Alexandra Ashley Hughes, or Allie X, is a case of foreign artists who have yet to reach the mainstream, but already have passionate fans here. Natural. There are those who say that in Brazil everything has a range.

Married to a São Paulo native, Allie has excellent ties to the country. Without showing her face, the Canadian addressed the g1 and on music. According to her, the songs are intended for a gay audience.

“Things happened naturally. You know, when I was younger, I was still in school, all my best friends were gay. I’m a millennial, so when I was in school, the Things were a lot rougher, I don’t know, we didn’t do it. We were so accepted and straight people were so mean to me and my friends.

“Forgive me if this is offensive, but I don’t like that there are so many straight men in positions of power in the world. I think the world would be a better place if women and LGBTQ+ people were in power.”

She has released five albums, the most recent being “Girl With No Face” (2024). The album deviates from conventional pop music, present in previous albums, and explores more 80s genres.

To promote it, she released a remix of the song “Black Eye (Brazil Mix)”, by Brazilians Tolentino, FRIMES and FUSO. “This is the first album that I made alone, without collaborations, so it’s more my musical taste that is explored, which is more alternative. There are more new wave influences.”

“Girl With No Face” is a pessimistic record, with songs about feeling like a weirdo angry at the world. The lyrics are accompanied by a synth-pop beat. In the last two songs, Allie seems to have some hope in the world. Even if it’s minimal. The name of the album, she said, came to her because she felt like a “kind of ghost” in her own living room.

Allie has tried to separate herself from mainstream pop because she “doesn’t want to do radio music”.

“I’m a pop singer, but I’ve kind of given up on writing things and putting them on the radio. I don’t get any joy out of doing something like that. There’s a lot of good music out there pop, there’s a lot of bad pop music too. I’m a little tired of it all.

“I’m not trying to create something that is the future of music, on the contrary, I always see culture as something that can be recycled. This album [Girl With No Face] He worships the 70s and 80s, so I didn’t think about doing something “new”, just something I like. »

Allie has already been to Brazil twice, in 2016 and 2019, but always doing solo exhibitions. Generally, artists who want to grow among the Brazilian public end up agreeing to do festivals, but he doesn’t like the idea very much.

“I think I’m waiting for the right offer, it would be cool to do festivals with tour dates. Then we’ll see what happens,” says the singer, who still has no plans to return to the Brazil to sing.

She says she has only played at ten festivals in her life. “I’ve never gotten any good offers. I hope that’s something that will change with this album, but yeah, but I don’t consider myself a festival artist.”

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Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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