Atlético welcomes young Canadian talents for under-17 exchange

Atlético announced this Tuesday (27) the exchange of three players under the age of 17 from the Ribeiro Moojen pre-university football academy, in Montreal, Canada, for a period of 12 days at Cidade do Galo. The initiative aims to provide immersion in Brazilian football, in addition to preparing young people for the NCAA, the United States college football league.

The selected athletes are Canadian striker Nathaneil Doré, Brazilian midfielder Matheus Lima and Canadian midfielder of Uruguayan origin Albert Ledesma. The latter, in turn, returns to Atlético this season, after participating in the exchange in 2023.

The selection of players was carried out by Dennys Dilettoso, Atlético recruitment coordinator. “This exchange is fundamental so that our athletes can interact with another language, another culture, but also so that athletes who come from abroad can have knowledge of how we play football here. It’s a partnership that values ​​both parties,” explains Dilettoso.

The immersion of young Canadians in Cidade do Galo will begin on April 1st and will last until the 12th of the same month. During this period, they will participate in training with Atlético’s under-17 team.

“They come to be observed for technical purposes, but they bring the added value of being able to have a different experience and offer the same to those who are here,” concluded the Galo recruitment coordinator.

Julia Fleming

"Prone to fits of apathy. Beer evangelist. Incurable coffeeaholic. Internet expert."

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