‘Before it is too late’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posted a statement on his Facebook page on Tuesday evening, asking people to listen to the demands of health authorities and respect the quarantine to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country, where around 2,000 people have confirmed cases and 24 deaths have been recorded – according to local press.

“For our own health, that of our parents and grandparents, for our nurses, doctors and other health professionals who work tirelessly to keep us safe,” he explained.

Trudeau highlighted basic prevention recommendations, such as washing hands and avoiding crowds. He also said that in a time like this, the participation of every citizen makes a difference in the safety of all.

“Everyone needs to listen to the experts to slow the spread of this virus. That means washing your hands often — and for at least 20 seconds. That means staying home. That means staying six feet away from other people, and not gathering in groups,” he said in the video.

“And for all those who are not yet following this advice: now is the time to do so, before it is too late.”

Check out the translation of the Canadian Prime Minister’s speech below:

“Hello everyone. I want to share with you all an important and crucial message and I request you to also spread this message. The novel coronavirus is taking lives all over the world and in all parts of our country.

We have all had to adapt our habits and each of us must do our part. For our own health, that of our parents and grandparents, for our nurses, doctors and other health professionals who work tirelessly to keep us safe.

Everyone needs to listen to the experts to slow the spread of this virus. That means washing your hands often – and for at least 20 seconds.

That means staying home. That means staying two metres away from other people and not gathering in groups.

And for all those who are not yet following this advice: now is the time to do so, before it is too late. This is not the time to go out with friends to the park or have dinner parties. If we do the right things now, we can make a difference and face this together.”

Grayson Saunders

"Typical thinker. Unapologetic alcoholaholic. Internet fanatic. Pop culture advocate. Tv junkie."

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