Between pop and reggae, Magic! breathes conviviality in show

Between the reunion of Pepeu Gomes and Baby from Brazil and the show of John Legend, the fans present on the Sunset stage this Sunday 20 watched the show of the Canadian group Magic!. The musicians played the songs of the album Don’t Kill Magic (2014), the only one of the group.

Rock in Rio 2015: the third day of the festival focuses on the elegance of Elton John and Rod Stewart.

Taking to the stage, which features a large “M” in the background, the musicians followed the dynamics of the recent recording. Filled with rhythms like dub and reggae, the songs lead into pop verses that have made Magic! an internationally successful band.

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Songs like “No Way No,” “Let Your Hair Down” and “Don’t Kill the Magic” drew applause. However, the euphoria was greater when the band covered Bob Marley’s “Is This Love?” and played Magic!’s biggest hit, “Rude.” There was still time for a version of The Police’s “Message In a Bottle.”

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The next attraction on the Sunset stage will be American musician John Legend. Before him, Paralamas do Sucesso will play at Palco Mundo at 7pm. The third day of Rock in Rio 2015 will be closed by British musician Rod Stewart, who will be preceded by his compatriot Elton John.

See other attractions on Sunday 20

7 p.m.: Paralamas do Sucesso (World Stage)

8 p.m.: Gabriel Moura (Rock Street)

8 p.m.: John Legend (Sunset Stage)

9 p.m.: Seal (World Stage)

10:30 p.m.: Elton John (World Stage)

11:59 p.m.: Rod Stewart (Palco Mundo)

Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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