Brazil plays better, but loses on penalties to Canada in SheBelieves tournament

The Brazilian women’s soccer team played better than Canada, but ended up losing on penalties 4-2 after a 1-1 draw in regulation time on Saturday in Atlanta, United States. United. The match earned him a place in the final of the SheBelieves tournament, against the host United States. From now on, Brazil takes third place in the competition, against Japan.

Brazil started to move the ball out of Canada. Five minutes into the match, the North American team had barely passed midfield with the ball. Canada tried to position itself in the Brazilian peloton but, apart from a few successful passes, it failed to gain a foothold. But as time went on, the Canadians began to feel more comfortable on the field. In the 12th minute, Deanne Rose makes a superb move on the right and delivers a perfect cross to Beckie. The left winger headed the ball and the ball passed very close to Tainá’s goal.

Brazil continued to score early and made it difficult for Canada to break out. At 20, Ludmila advances to the left and is knocked down: penalty. Tarciane shot hard in the middle of the goal and converted.

After the goal, Canada tried to attack, but stopped in the strong Brazilian defensive system. The team had to lift balls into the Brazilian box, which was still behind. The movement was of no use and it was the Brazilians who put pressure, including for the ball in the middle of the field. In the 44th minute, Yasmim performs a superb dribble from the left, invades the area and passes it to Jheniffer. The attacker attempted to finish, but was blocked. The Brazilians stayed in the lead and the Canadians had to kick the ball to the side whenever they were under pressure.

In the second half, Brazil continued to put pressure on Canada in their home field, while the opponent tried to organize themselves in midfield. Ludmila was the terror of the Canadians on the right side, always dribbling towards the baseline and headbutting the defense.

At 10, Canadian Awujo took the middle and hit her with a right hand at half-moon height. The ball hit Tainá’s left post and went out along the baseline.

Brazil easily reached the Canadian defense, but failed on the final pass. At 16, Ana Vitória spotted Sheridan in advance and scored the goal from the left flank. The goalkeeper recovered and sent it to the baseline.

After 30 minutes, Canada took the advantage, more organized, but left immense spaces for the Brazilian attack. The Canadians arrived with more speed than the athletes, but that didn’t translate into chances. Until, at 31, Vanessa Giles headed to the net after a free kick and equalized.

From then on, the game was open, with both teams wanting to avoid penalties, but without creating real scoring opportunities.

Canada started taking penalties: Lawrence shot wide of the goal. Marta’s chance hit the right corner, but Sheridan grabbed it. Then Beckie hit Lorena’s left corner, moving her. Cristiane hit the left corner and tied the series.

Jade Rose calmly shot into the opposite corner – right – from Lorena, scoring. Antonia kicked violently. Awujo moved the Brazilian goalkeeper again: he hit the left corner. Tarciane scored with a shot into Sheridan’s right corner. Julia Grosso hit the right corner, knocking the Brazilians out of the final.


CANADA 1 (4) X (2) 1 BRAZIL

CANADA – Sheridan, Buchanan, Jade Rose, Lawrence, Lacasse; Fleming, Gilles, Beckie, Huitema; Deanne Rose, Adriana Leon. Coach: Bev Priestman.

BRAZIL – Lorena Leite, Antônia, Tarciane, Lauren, Tamires; Vitória Yaya, Angelina (Ana Vitória), Jheniffer (Jaqueline); Gabi Portilho (Angelina), Cristiane, Ludmila (Marta). Coach: Arthur Elias.

GOALS – Tarciane (penalty), 22 minutes after the start of the first half. Vanessa, 31 minutes into the second half.

YELLOW CARDS – Arthur Elias.

REVENUE AND PUBLIC – Not available.

VENUE – Mercedes-Benz Arena, in Atlanta, United States.

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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