Canada reports first case of coronavirus, says local official | Science and health

Coronavirus: An official wearing a protective mask checks the temperature of a passenger at a toll station between Xianning and Wuhan, China, amid restrictions on the movement of people, which are trying to curb the spread of the disease – Photo: Martin Pollard/Reuters.

A man is in isolation in a Canadian hospital infected with the coronavirus after traveling to Wuhan, China, from where he returned on January 22. After showing fever and symptoms of respiratory failure, he underwent tests and had the diagnosis confirmed on Saturday (25), becoming the first case in Canada, according to local authorities.

According to a statement from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the analysis has also been confirmed by the Ontario Public Health Laboratory. Also according to the hospital, the patient is stable and a team has been appointed for his treatment.

Also on Saturday, the governments of Malaysia and Australia reported five cases of coronavirus. Four patients have been diagnosed with the respiratory disease in the Southeast Asian country, while the Australian case has become the first in Oceania.

With the confirmation of the Canadian case, 12 countries on 4 continents are now affected by the infection which emerged in China and has claimed 56 lives since the start of the year.

A worker removes hospital waste from a medical center in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, China — Photo: AP Photo/Dake Kang

56 dead in China

In China, where the outbreak began and the only country to report deaths, the death toll rose to 56 on Saturday, including the first in Shanghai.

As of Friday, Hubei province had 13 cities with travel restrictions, affecting around 40 million people.

The restrictions include the closure of train stations, bus stations, urban transport and car traffic on certain roads. The authorities have not yet specified when these measures will be lifted.

new hospitals

Excavators work in a hospital area in Wuhan, China — Photo: STR/AFP

The companies are following the Beijing model for the treatment of acute respiratory illnesses known as SARS. The first hospital will have 1,000 beds, an area of ​​25,000 m² and should be inaugurated on February 3. The second, announced this Saturday, should have 1,300 beds and will be delivered in 15 days.

Countries withdraw their citizens

The plane, with about 230 people, will carry diplomats from the US consulate, as well as US citizens and their families, the Journal reported, citing a person familiar with the operation.

In addition, Peugeot has indicated that it will repatriate French employees stationed in Wuhan. According to a spokesperson for the company, 38 people will be evacuated from the region with the collaboration of the Chinese authorities and the Consulate General of France in the region.

The company said in a statement that evacuated families will undergo a quarantine period in Changsha before returning to the country.

King Abdullah II of Jordan has destined a plane to evacuate his country’s citizens to China. According to the CNN news network, the action has already been authorized by the Chinese authorities.

China suspends tourist travel

China will suspend all tourist travel out of the country from Monday (27) in an attempt to contain the coronavirus outbreak. On Saturday, the China Tourism Association announced that group trips abroad would be suspended.

According to the association, domestic travel was already under restriction since Friday (24). In China, where the coronavirus outbreak began, at least 1,372 cases of infection and 41 deaths from complications of the disease have been recorded. The cases are concentrated in Wuhan city, Hubei province.

Cases of coronavirus in the world — Photo: Rodrigo Sanches/Arte G1

Alaric Cohen

"Freelance communicator. Hardcore web practitioner. Entrepreneur. Total student. Beer ninja."

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