Canadian fitness icon shows ‘before and after’ to motivate followers – Entertainment

Canadian Amanda Eliese Lee is one of the highest-earning fitness models on Instagram. In 2015, when she had “only” 3 million followers, the blonde earned R$9 million throughout the year. After two years, Amanda has not only remained one of the fitness gurus on the social network, but has practically quadrupled her influence, surpassing the 11 million fan mark.

Part of the Canadian’s success is not due to her incredibly beautiful figure, which attracts male fans from all over the world. But Amanda is also dedicated to informing her followers, giving them advice on training, diets and, above all, how to motivate yourself and continue practicing physical activities.

This week, the beauty posted a “before and after” showing what her body looked like in 2014, and what it looks like now. It’s visible that the blonde has “gained body”, especially in the butt area, and she explained how this happened.

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“I wanted to share my journey with you, for those who need a little extra motivation,” the muse began in the text of the post. “The photo on the left is me in 2014. I weighed 110 pounds and worked out with little to no weights. The photo on the right is me now, at 120 pounds. I changed my body by increasing the weight load in the exercises, increasing the intensity and eating more healthy proteins,” Amanda explains.

“I’ve always wanted a healthier, stronger physique, and achieving it has really helped me gain confidence. Like everyone else, I struggle with motivation. There are days when I feel like giving up, but when I look at my old photos, I remember how far I’ve come,” the blonde said at the end of the post.

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Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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