Canadian photographer dedicated to capturing very similar unrelated people – FORÇA DO VALE


François Brunelle travels the world to capture people who look like twin sisters but are not known to be related. The images gave rise to the book “Je ne suis pas un sosie!” (“I am not a double!” in English).

Last updated on April 1, 2022

You probably know two or more people who look so much alike that you could swear they are brothers, but in reality, they are not related. Because the Canadian photographer Francois Brunelle is dedicated to accurately recording people who exhibit striking physical similarities.

The collection of these photos gave birth to the book “I am not a double!” (“I am not a double!”, in free translation). At first, the photographer was looking for similar faces during his travels. Since 2000, when the first clicks were taken, the photographer has recorded about 250 pairs of lookalikes.

The photos were a huge success and had repercussions in several countries. Due to the visibility of François’ work in television programs and the media, many models began to seek him out with the interest of participating in his photos. The lookalike couples are divided into two categories: those who already knew each other before the photo was taken and those who discovered their twin on the day of the photos.

Check out some of the records!

Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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