Daddy has 96% of his body covered in tattoos and won’t stop

A man with almost his entire body covered in tattoos, around 96%, has had success on social media for his boldness and has made it clear to his fans that he isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

A Canadian resident, the man, identified only as Rémy, has had a passion for ink illustrations since his teenage years. Ever since she got a tattoo 14 years ago, she has taken particular pleasure in her own body.

“I felt an impulse back then that I still feel. The look changed because of my passion for this way of life,” he said in a post, where he celebrated the changes that he has brought to his body over the years.

Remy also revealed that he spent nearly C$140,000 (about R$530,000 at today’s exchange rate) on his incredible transformation. He also believes he spent more than 1,300 hours in sessions with tattoo artists to transform his body into a “work of art”, reports the British tabloid Daily Star.

Remy, who is married and has a 13-year-old son, has around 200,000 followers on his Instagram. He recently revealed on the networks that although his modifications leave many impressed, he is still not satisfied with the results and intends to cover the remaining 4% of his body.

The man has head-to-toe tattoos, with intricate artwork and mostly dyed black. Only part of the facial skin has not yet been covered.

The Canadian also modified the ears with holes, which looked like Swiss cheese, allowing the insertion of earrings, piercings and other accessories. In a post, he revealed to his followers that after tattooing almost his entire body, he came to the conclusion that the tattoo that hurt the most was between his buttocks.

Despite the praise he receives on the internet, Remy has also faced criticism and threats from people who dismiss his looks.

“Some people are saying my son should be taken away from me because of how I look,” the influencer told the Mirror newspaper. “I cracked up and said if a person thinks like that, they should never have children,” he added.

Although he has this challenge, Remy said his son, Ivan, and his wife respect his passion for tattooing and it doesn’t negatively affect the family.

“I wasn’t worried about my son’s reaction because tattoos and piercings don’t change anything,” he said.

According to the influencer, Ivan was born when he was already making changes to his body. So tattoos became something natural for the boy. “It’s completely normal for him. As he grew up, he became indifferent (to tattoos) and that made him more tolerant of different people.”

Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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