Drake: information leaked according to which the singer allegedly LIED about the cancellation of his Lollapalooza show

Canadian rapper Drake was the most anticipated attraction of the latest edition of Lollapalooza Brasil, which took place last week in São Paulo. However, he decided to cancel his performance on the morning of March 26, when he only had a few hours left before going on stage. A report published by Folha de São Paulo, this Friday (30), indicates that the justification given by the artist was just a big lie.

In a statement released by the event’s production team, Drake alleged issues with his team when the performance was canceled. “Due to unforeseen circumstances, Drake finds himself without members of his sound and production team, essential to the Lollapalooza show in São Paulo,” the memo said. But the fact is that Drake’s team was already in Brazil and spent the night before the cancellation at the Autodromo de Interlagos to prepare everything.

According to people from the Lollapalooza production team interviewed by Folha de São Paulo on condition of anonymity, members of the singer’s team worked throughout the night alongside the festival team. to leave the stage prepared, with the sound equipment and LED panels correctly installed.


According to the professionals interviewed by Folha, Drake’s team only found out about the cancellation mid-edit. And they did not have privileged information: they were informed jointly with the company responsible for organizing the festival.

Still according to Folha de São Paulo, on the eve of the show, Drake was already showing signs that things could go wrong, such as lack of flexibility and difficult communication, but the festival team continued to work normally to get the show off the ground. According to the Leo Dias column, from Metropoles, until last Tuesday (28), the Canadian had not yet returned the 4 million dollars he had received in advance for the presentation.

Chris Martin and the members of Coldplay had very different behaviorswho spent practically the entire month of March performing on Brazilian stages. The singer has been seen on the beach, attended a college band presentation, appeared on a local podcast, frequented establishments and even entertained audiences by bringing major country music icons on stage, like Sandy, Milton Nascimento and Seu Jorge. . Learn, Drake!

Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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