G1 – ‘Pokémon Go’: Canada demands that players do not invade a military base

Players attempting to enter the facilities may be arrested.
The Canadian Armed Forces have already recorded a few attempts.

“Pokémon Go” players attempted to invade Canada’s 22 Wing North Bay base, which controls the country’s airspace, in search of the little monsters. (Photo: Disclosure/Royal Canadian Air Force)

The Canadian Armed Forces demanded this Wednesday (27) that “Pokémon Go” players stay away from military bases, after registering several attempted invasions by users who wanted to “hunt” the digital monsters.

Canada’s Defense Ministry said it had to intervene several times when “Pokémon Go” players attempted to enter military bases in the eastern part of the country without authorization.

One of the facilities invaded by the Pokémon hunters was 22 Wing North Bay Air Force Base, which houses a military intelligence centre and is responsible for monitoring aircraft approaching U.S. airspace, the CBC reported.

Despite the importance of the affected bases, Canadian military authorities have resolved all cases without major problems. In a statement, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence warned that it could arrest “Pokémon Go” players who try to enter a facility without permission.

Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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