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G1 > World – NEWS – Canada Zoo presents a small red panda

Sha-lei, a rare red panda cub, is presented to the press this Tuesday (30) at the Vale de Edmonton Zoo, in the Canadian city of Edmonton. Fifth female panda Lala,…” />

06/30/09 – 3:14 p.m.
– Update
06/30/09 – 3:14 p.m.

Sha-lei was born on the 13th in Edmonton.
She is the fifth cub of the panda Lala.


Sha-lei, a rare red panda cub, is presented to the press this Tuesday (30) at the Vale de Edmonton Zoo, in the Canadian city of Edmonton. Fifth female panda Lala, she was born on the 13th and survived the first two weeks, crucial for the cubs. The species is almost as threatened as the giant panda: there are between 2,000 and 5,000 red pandas, mainly in India, Nepal and southern China. (Photo: AP)

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Bonnie Garza

"Internet fanatic. Evil organizer. Tv fanatic. Explorer. Hipster-friendly social media junkie. Certified food expert."

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