Goodnight Sunrise: The Canadian duo release a version of the classic “Rockin’ in the Free World”

Canadian duo Goodnight Sunrise’s latest single was released on March 28. It’s nothing less than a version of Neil Young’s classic song, “Rockin’ in the Free World”, originally featured on the 1989 album “Freedom”, where he reviews virulent part of American society at the time, with its contempt for the poorest, among others. Choosing the song for a release, the musicians reported:

“With the state of political discourse and the growing gap between rich and poor, we decided the time was right to record a studio version of Neil Young’s legendary protest song, ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’ , which we’ve played for years on tour. Our version is unique because we’ve never heard a truly hard rock cover of it with female vocals. Most of the other versions also come close in instrumentation and sound. of the original, but we wanted to give it a more modern production approach to capture how the lyrics and symbolism still resonate today as much as they did when Neil first wrote it.

The result could not be better, since they managed to keep all the energy that emanates from the original version, being respectful with it, but without giving up imprinting their identity on it, with superb vocals and an instrumental that shows a lot of strength. .

The single is now available to stream on major streaming platforms, and can be heard here using the link below. Check:

Julia Fleming

"Prone to fits of apathy. Beer evangelist. Incurable coffeeaholic. Internet expert."

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