In BiH, a player from the Canadian volleyball team apologizes for his article on dengue | volleyball

Across the street, Kiera Van Ryk, of the Canadian volleyball team, apologized on social media for a post about dengue fever in Brazil. The player posted a photo inside her room with the caption: “It’s nice outside, but there’s also dengue fever.”

Article by Kiera Van Ryk on dengue — Photo: Reproduction

Kiera Van Ryk, who is in Belo Horizonte with the Canadian team using the Minas facilities to train for the Nations League, which begins next week, has been criticized by some supporters.

The Canadian then apologized on the same social network.

“Hello, Brazilian friends. I wanted to apologize for the story I posted yesterday mentioning dengue. Anyone who knows me knows that I would never joke about death or illness. Life is very precious and it was never my intention to disrespect those who are going through difficulties. The intention of this message was to express sadness at not being able to fully enjoy the beauty of the Brazilian community and culture. I’ve heard so many good things about Brazil and I’m truly grateful to be in this amazing country. I hope I can be forgiven for this misunderstanding. I am truly sorry for any pain that has been caused. I can’t wait to play in your beautiful country.

Apology from Kiera Van Ryk — Photo: Reproduction

Kiera Van Ryk is the top scorer in the Turkish League, played last season at THY and was coached by Brazilian José Roberto Guimarães.

The Canadian team is vying for a spot at the Paris Olympics and must do well in the Nations League, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro. The team will make its debut next Tuesday, against Brazil.

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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