Meta decides to block news in Canada
Meta said this Thursday (22) that Facebook and Instagram will no longer provide news in Canada. The measure is a response to the law passed in the country’s Senate on Thursday, which obliges digital platforms to enter into an agreement with journalistic vehicles to remunerate them for their content shared online.
In a press release, Meta said that “news availability will be discontinued on Facebook and Instagram for all users in Canada before the law takes effect,” which will happen within six months.
Via Twitter, Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez said the government will be involved in a process to regulate and implement the new law after it comes into effect, and that Meta “knows very well that he had no obligation under the law at the time,” indicating that there is no reason for the unavailability of news on the company’s platforms at this time. “If the government does not can’t defend Canadians against the tech giants, who will?” he added.
“A strong, independent and free press is fundamental to our democracy. The Online News Act [nome da lei aprovada] will help ensure that tech giants negotiate fair and equitable deals with news outlets,” the minister wrote.
Google had also tested a news block on Canadian users before the law was passed. Now the company is looking to negotiate with the local government to find a solution, according to The Verge.
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