Jordan Peterson sentenced to re-education camp! To understand

Jordan appealed to a Canadian court, but the Board’s decision was upheld. The sentence states that he must undergo “re-education” until he “learns his lesson”, and could lose his right to practice as a psychologist. if the directors of the Council so decide.

To Jordan Peterson:

“If you think you have the right to freedom of expression in Canada, you are wrong.

I stand by what I said and did, and I wish them well in their pursuit. They’re going to need it.”

He also stressed that this conviction was due to personal opinions on politics and not psychology. According to him, the Council’s goal is to change his political views.

Canadian citizens condemn the decision

Several demonstrators fought against the Canadian cold to express your support for Jordan Peterson in front of the Council of Psychologists of Ontario building. Politicians, doctors and psychologists have spoken out in favor of freedom of expression, condemning the council’s decision as authoritarian.


The leader of the Conservative Party of Canada also condemned this decision. For Pierre Poilievre, the country is experiencing a dystopia similar to that described by George Orwell in the book 1984.

The famous book recounts the life of Winston, an employee of the Ministry of Truth. Its mission is to change history to adapt it to the will of the English Socialist Party.

Pierre holds the 1984 book in the Canadian parliament.

Business, family It is Private property were embarrassed by the leaders. Those who started deviate from the worldview party members were forced to go to a “re-education camp”. It was not enough for the Party to be obeyed, it had to be loved and followed by everyone.

  • Learn more about 1984, one of literature’s greatest classics.

George Orwell wrote his book in 1949, believing that modern societies would evolve towards totalitarianism. His work is considered by many to be a a beacon for understanding and addressing the problems of modern societies.

Oh streaming from Brazil Paralelo acquired one of the major film adaptations of the book in 1984, showing this and many other classics to all subscribing members.

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Learn more about Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is professor emeritus at the University of Toronto and has been associate professor at Harvard University. Author of numerous works and articles, he is considered one of the most influential intellectuals of our time, have several books classified as best sellers global.

Oh streaming from Brazil Paralelo is the perfect platform for those looking for more content from Jordan Peterson. See everything you can access:

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Julia Fleming

"Prone to fits of apathy. Beer evangelist. Incurable coffeeaholic. Internet expert."

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