Mexican business sector urges government to support nearshoring


Benamericas Posted: Thursday March 30th 2023
Mexican business sector urges government to support nearshoring

Given the proximity opportunities predicted for Mexico in the coming years, the private sector has requested government assistance.

“It takes a committed state to carry out this project, supporting it with an integral industrial policy that envisages the strengthening of all the links in the chain and sufficient funding for the new industrial-digital development of the country”, said Francisco Cervantes ( photo, right), president of Mexico’s largest trade association, CCE, at a seminar on Tuesday (28).

“From the business world, we understand that nearshoring is a historic opportunity that requires the attention of all important economic players in the country, in order to take full advantage of an economic opportunity that has already begun and whose growth will depend on all of us. Cervantes said during the event organized by the Autonomous University UNAM and the Institute of Industrial Development and Digital Transformation INADI.

Nearshoring has been constantly discussed by authorities and private companies recently, following several proposals under the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA).

The most recent example is the estimated US$10 billion Tesla factory that was confirmed this year for Monterrey, capital of the state of Nuevo León. But other opportunities also relate to industrial parks for the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, between the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz, where the government is building its first interoceanic corridor.

“What it’s about is that all sectors come together so that we can seize this opportunity, because it would be a shame not to,” Cervantes said.

This seminar was the first of five organized this year to promote nearshoring in Mexico.

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Alaric Cohen

"Freelance communicator. Hardcore web practitioner. Entrepreneur. Total student. Beer ninja."

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