Minas Tênis Clube – Olympic Reinforcement

Bailey Andison is delighted to participate in the José Finkel Trophy (Pictures: Orlando Bento/MTC)

O Teknisa/Arezzo&Co/Minas will have an important reinforcement for the Brazilian Absolute Swimming Championship – José Finkel Trophy 2022, which will be held next week (13 to 17/9), in Recife (PE). the canadian swimmer Bailey Andison, who participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, is already training with the Arezzo&Co water park team, in Minas I, and will represent the Club’s colors in the national competition. Minas is the current two-time champion and is aiming for the 14th overall title in the tournament.

In addition to competing at the Tokyo Games, Bailey was a bronze medalist in the 200m medley at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima; played in three Abu Dhabi Short Course World Cup finals in 2021; she was Canadian champion and was in the top five in the NCAA 400m medley, the American university championship.

The swimmer commented on how the day-to-day training has been and praised the Minas Gerais team and the structure of the club. “Training in Minas has been a lot of fun, they’re a great group to train with. It was very difficult, but at the same time very pleasant. The club atmosphere and environment is amazing, I didn’t grow up in such a big club, my club is quite small so it’s nice to see how many swimmers there are here. Everyone takes care of each other, encourages each other and really works as a team. It reminds me a bit of high school swimming in America, where the competitions are in this teamwork format, which I love, and which is much more fun than swimming for yourself, you swim for the team” , did he declare.

Entered nine individual competitions of the Jose Finkel Trophy, Bailey said she was thrilled to compete and wanted to help Teknisa/Arezzo&Co/Minas in their quest for the title. “I’m very excited for Finkel, to be in the Minas team and I hope to contribute a lot. I try not to put too much pressure on myself, I want to have fun because when I’m having fun, it’s is when I swim faster. I’m also excited to swim the relays and hope to score a meaningful score to help the team get closer to the title,” she commented.

Canadian swimmer specializes in medley eventsCanadian swimmer specializes in medley events

Bailey Andison also commented on Brazilian swimming and what he enjoyed most about his time in Brazil. “I’ve competed with Brazilian swimmers before in some international events, like the Pan American Games and the Olympics, I know swimmers a bit, but this is the first time I’m really immersed in Brazilian swimming. I’ve enjoyed Brazil a lot so far and I’ve loved the food, everything I’ve tasted is delicious,” the athlete concluded.

Sponsor: technology
Sponsor: Arezzo&Co

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Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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