Raquel Lyra will open 900 exchange places for students

The government of Raquel Lyra opened this Friday, June 21, a tender in the Official State Gazette to hire a company specialized in offering exchange packages for the Ganhe o Mundo (PGM) program.

In total, 900 positions will be offered – 300 for the United States, 400 for Canada and 200 for Chile. Students will be referred to in-country state government partner educational entities.

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The tender notice is available on site. The project, which aims to offer international exchange programs to high school students in the state’s public network, will send students to other countries starting in the second half of 2024.

Those interested can still participate in the preparatory classes already offered by SEE, just access the program link in the school email. Currently, students can access online courses in English and Spanish.

Material is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday via Google Classroom. All content was created by network teachers so that students learn to manage everyday situations, such as expressions, greetings, use of means of transport, among others.

To access the material, the student must log in via the school email. Once this is done, he can choose one of the rooms available in the virtual environment. In May, face-to-face classes also took place in 141 centers spread across all Regional Directorates of Education (GRE).

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To participate in Ganhe o Mundo, students must be at least 14 years old on the day of departure and maximum 17 years old on return; be a student in the 1st or 2nd year of high school; have a minimum level of language (English or Spanish); frequency of at least 85%; permission from parents or guardians and obtain visa approval.

After that, all participating sports will have to pass a test to access the PGM.

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Alaric Cohen

"Freelance communicator. Hardcore web practitioner. Entrepreneur. Total student. Beer ninja."

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