Students and employees participate in exchanges with the Internationalization Policy — IFAC Federal Institute of Acre

The creation of the Directorate of Systemic Internationalization (DSRI), in 2022, until then a consultative body, constitutes an important step in the consolidation of the internationalization policy of the Federal Institute of Acre (Ifac), and demonstrates the strategic importance of international relations for the institution. It is in this sense that the Evoluindo Semper campaign – transforming dreams into achievements – shows part of what has been achieved in these 14 years, in the field of internationalization.

In total, more than 60 students participated in exchanges in Portugal, the United States, Canada, Peru and Japan, in addition to encouraging the participation of civil servants in exchanges in the United States, Canada and Portugal. FHello, over the past 10 years, Ifac has carried out significant actions, including the signing of terms of cooperation, memoranda of understanding and protocols of intent with institutions from Mexico, Canada, England, Portugal, Peru, Spain, Bolivia and the United States.


And, with this incentive, the waitress Suellen Cristina Enes Valentim da Silva, administrative assistant of the Rio Branco campus, traveled in April of this year to participate in the intensive English course, in Toronto (Canada), offered by Toronto First Steps (TFS), in partnership with the educational group of the International Language Schools of Canada (ILSC).

The scholarship was awarded by NOTICE No. 01/2023/DSRI/REITORIA/IFAC, and is part of the actions carried out by the National Council of Institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (Conif) in partnership with TFS.

Back from Canada, at the beginning of June, Suellen Cristina was received by Dean Rosana Cavalcante dos Santos and Director Luiz Eduardo, where she gave a report on her international experience. “The exchange in Canada broadened my horizons. I experienced cultural diversity and came back with a wealth of experiences that will impact my academic and professional future.”


The agreement between TFS and Conif is the result of the partnership signed by the coordination of the Chamber of International Relations of Conif, at the time coordinated by the rector of Ifac, Rosana Cavalcante who, together with the director of international relations, Luiz Eduardo Guedes, then representative of the International Relations Forum (Forinter) participated in the mission to Canada in 2023.

Exchanges – The systemic director of international relations, Luiz Eduardo Guedes, affirms that the internationalization policy and the linguistic policy of Ifac aim to ensure the development of international cooperation and promote scientific, technological, artistic, linguistic and cultural exchanges between the institution and other international entities. “This includes the exchange of students and staff and the development of interinstitutional projects,” he emphasizes.

Today, according to the director, DSRI is responsible for systematizing international agreements and agreements on teaching and mobility of teachers and students. In addition, it promotes and consolidates internationalization actions, aimed at strengthening the international space at the institutional level. “DSRI also advises the academic community on international cooperation projects, regulates and implements language policy and proposes actions to encourage language teaching within the institution.”

Language policy – Ifac, through the DSRI, has promoted the creation of Language Studies and Internationalization Centers on each campus, which have organized the 1st Ifac Virtual Language Games, in addition to offering complementary language teaching (English, Spanish, French and Libra) on a semester and annual basis. “In addition, Ifac has opened an orientation center for those who wish to study in the United States – EducationUSA – an office belonging to the US Department of State,” informs Luiz Eduardo.

DSRI Team.jpg Inauguration USA_Education.jpg

Regarding communication with the academic community, DSRI created the page in the main menu of the institutional website and, with this, improved the dialogue with the community through the creation of the International Relations page and the blog of opportunities for students and staff, regularly updated with internal and external opportunities.

Access the DSRI page on the Ifac portal
Access the DSRI Opportunities Blog

Alaric Cohen

"Freelance communicator. Hardcore web practitioner. Entrepreneur. Total student. Beer ninja."

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