The House approves the agreement between Brazil and Canada in the field of defense

The cooperation provided for in the agreement can take place in several areas, such as the purchase of defense products and services.

By Misto Brasil – DF

THE Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday (15) the draft Legislative Decree 267/24, which contains the agreement between Brazil and Canada in the field of defense. The matter will be referred to the Senate.

The cooperation provided for in the agreement may take place in several areas, such as the purchase of defense products and servicesdefense science and technology and peacekeeping operations under the coordination of the United Nations (UN), Agência Câmara reported.

Actions based on the agreement may take the form of visits by high-level delegations to civilian and military organizations and the development and implementation of programs and projects in defense science and technology applications.

Concerning the conditions of purchase, maintenance and operation intellectual property arising from the activities covered by the agreement, the parties will define the parameters in accordance with the specific programs, contracts or work plans applicable to these activities.

“This means that we also work with these economies on the diversity of the productive park and the export agenda,” commented MP Erika Kokay (PT-DF).

Alaric Cohen

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