The international event in São Paulo is an opportunity to get to know one of the best Canadian universities

Student Hall is hosting the largest study abroad fair in Latin America in March. The event will take place in several cities in Brazil, including the city of São Paulo, on March 16 and 17, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The show will take place at the Frei Caneca Convention Center – 5th floor, R. Frei Caneca, 569 – Bela Vista.

Several foreign universities will be present at the fair to welcome students interested in participating in the exchange program. The main goal is to provide students with numerous options for visiting universities abroad, connecting with representatives of international educational institutions and answering questions on program-related issues.

One of the exhibiting universities is Waterloo Engineering, part of the University of Waterlooone of the institutions visited by the Brazilian Association of Supporters of Higher Education (ABMES) as part of the 5th International Delegation, held in October 2023. At the Study Abroad Fair, the University of Waterloo will be represented by the institution’s specialist in marketing and recruitment – Postgraduate. , Maria Sandoval.

Regarded as Canada’s largest engineering school and a hotbed of top engineering talent for the world’s leading companies, Waterloo Engineering at the University of Waterloo is ranked among the top 50 engineering schools in the world. Waterloo Engineering offers master’s and doctoral programs, including courses in emerging multidisciplinary fields such as architectural engineering, aeronautics, mechatronics, nanotechnology and quantum information. Each year, the University educates more than two thousand engineers at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Canada.

Julia Fleming

"Prone to fits of apathy. Beer evangelist. Incurable coffeeaholic. Internet expert."

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