Federal University of Viçosa – News


Campus Vicosa

The ATTAq project offers running training for the entire community


As the completion of UFV Half Marathon, we can already see the increase in the number of runners preparing along the university straight. Many of them are part of the expansion project Training activities for trail running and athletics (ATTAq), attached to the Department of Physical Education (DES). The initiative, which offers running training to the entire Viçosa community, completed its first anniversary this month and already has reason to celebrate: the number of participants has doubled since the start of its activities.

According to ATTAq coordinator and DES professor Helton de Sá Souza, around 270 people have already been served, currently 120 per month, including amateur runners and high-level athletes who participate in the program. ranking national. “The project is already considered one of the largest racing consultancies in the region. The proof is that last month it was represented by around sixty participants in the Rio Marathon Festival, covering distances of 5, 10, 21 and 42 kilometers,” he emphasizes.

Among those served is holistic therapist Ivi Pereira Monteiro. She says she has already run a few kilometers and when she heard a friend say that “she thought she knew how to run, but at ATTAq she really learned”, she had no doubt about the need to participate in the project . He decided to set out six months ago with the goal of covering 21 kilometers by the end of the year and he already managed to achieve it in June. “During the group reconnaissance training for the UFV half-marathon course, I covered my first 21 kilometers. I was very happy. The instructors make us believe that it is possible. I am truly delighted with the dedication and professionalism with which this team works. A joy to be part of!

Photo of a woman running on a dirt path around a lawn.  She is wearing a black blouse and shorts. In addition to the personal development obtained in just a few months at ATTAq, Ivi also claims to have improved his conditioning, identified his personal flaws, but above all made friendships. She also welcomes the integration promoted by the UFV. “We, Viçosenses (native or adopted), use university space to practice sports. An action like this of the Program strengthens the institution/community links, thus strengthening belonging. Not to mention the integration between athletes in the sport. It’s incredible!”, he emphasizes.

About the project

ATTAq aims to: encourage the adoption and maintenance of a more active and healthier lifestyle, through running endurance, that is to say long-term races in an urban or natural environment; teach the technical and tactical aspects of this type of race; improve physical performance through different sports training techniques; promote full health (physical, mental and behavioral) with group life through the practice of running; contribute to the training of professionals in Physical Education to prescribe and monitor running endurancein addition to seeking to spread the culture of street racing and mountain trails throughout the Viçosa region.

Photo of several people, mostly young, occupying a staircase in front of the main UFV building.The project is also part of the curriculum popularization process, since its conception. Currently, it has ten instructors and trainees, and any graduate in physical education can experience, in applied practice, the concepts developed in class. Furthermore, certain information collected within the framework of ATTAq activities promotes the development of relationships between races and psychobiological aspects.

It should be remembered that members of the university and the Viçosa community, interested in entering the race, You can follow all the news from ATTAq via Instagramwhere links are available to register for the modalities and activities offered by the project, such as the training sessions open to the entire community, which take place monthly.

Institutional disclosure

Photos: ATTAq Project and Pedro Vianna

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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