Argentine peso demand soars in June as euro, dollar lose strength – Money Times

In June, the search for lester Argentina climbed 71% from May. (Image: REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian/Illustration/File Photo)

THE Europe and the United States are losing the attention of Brazilian tourists, who are more interested in Argentina. At least that’s what a survey conducted by the swap Travelex Trust.

In June, the search for lester Argentina climbed 71% from May. In 12 months, the increase in volume traded in reais is even more significant: 1,428%.

In recent weeks, the Argentine currency has devalued sharply, so much so that the minimum value has reached 300 pesos per dollar.

On the other hand, the dollar was the currency that fell the most. During the period analysed, the US currency lost 31% strength between trades; but, in 12 months, a 64% increase was noted.

already the euro, although it is in a bearish movement and has even reached parity with the dollar, demand for the currency has fallen by -23% compared to May. Over the 12 month period, an increase of 213% was recorded.

Two other currencies that appear in the list are the kg the pound sterling, which fell 5% between June and May, while rising 401% over the year; It’s the dollar Canadian, which was up 5% in the month and 145% in 12 months.

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Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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