Petrobras to Investigate Complaints About Sale of SIX | UPF

The company’s president determined the internal investigation into the case after a report that points to irregularities in the privatization of the unit

[Da imprensa do Sindipetro PR/SC]

The report by journalist Leandro Demori on the sale of the Shale Industrialization Unit (SIX), broadcast on the virtual news channel ICL (Instituto Knowledge Liberta) this Wednesday morning (05) and which bears serious accusations of irregularities, will make the under investigation by the Office of the President of Petrobras.

The announcement was made by the company’s president, Jean Paul Prates, who sent a message during the broadcast to presenter Eduardo Moreira. Prates said he immediately determined the request for all internal Petrosix documentation and will ask the reporter for the information he finds. Also according to Jean Paul, the investigation will be conducted directly by the office of the president of Petrobras.

Also read: Judge Lava Jato’s father suspected of hacking Petrosix technology

The report presents documents that provide evidence of the illegal conduct of Jorge Hardt Filho, father of judge Gabriela Hardt, replacement of senator and former judge Sérgio Moro in the Lava Jato operation, and other former Petrobras employees, João Carlos Gobbo and John Carlos Winck. They would have practiced industrial piracy in cases involving Petrosix technology for the benefit of the entrepreneur Engevix, whose leaders were investigated and arrested by Lava Jato, and Irati Energy, a subsidiary of the Canadian group Forbes & Manhattan, which bought SIX in last November for US$41.6 million, a value slightly above the unit’s annual profit.

On the ICL program, Demori asked why the SIX case had not been investigated by Operation Lava Jato, which has focused so much on investigating Engevix and other contractors accused of involvement in corruption and money laundering crimes. The reporter also suggested that any irregularities in the sale of SIX should be investigated and, if confirmed, the deal canceled.

It is not new that Sindipetro Paraná and Santa Catarina denounced Forbes & Manhattan’s greed for Petrosix technology. In November 2012, the Syndicate published a bulletin titled “Selling illusions, neoliberal rage: potential partnership between Petrobras and a Canadian conglomerate raises concerns”. In the article, the union clarifies that “former SIX employees, including those responsible for technology patents when they were employees of Petrobrás, act as consultants for Forbes itself or are in companies with close relations with the Canadian conglomerate.

In addition to the internal investigation of Petrobras, Sindipetro hopes that the investigation of the complaints will be carried out in bodies such as the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, the Federal Court of Auditors and the Federal Police to proceed with the speed required by the case. .

The investigation report is available at newsletter by Leandro Demori. To access, Click here!. You can also check on this LINK the video of the journalist’s participation in the ICL Notícias program.

Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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