The Canadian women’s team demonstrates during a match against Brazil

Players of the Canadian national football team demonstrated for equal pay compared to the men’s national team before a match against Brazil this Sunday (19), for the SheBelieves Cup.

“Enough is enough”, or “enough is enough”, in free translation, was the message printed on the shirt athletes at the entrance to the field and in official photos before the start whistle at GEODIS Park stadium, United States. Canada won 2-0.

Budget cuts sparked outrage

The protest had already taken place in the first round of the SheBelieves CupCanada’s 2-0 loss to the United States. The objective of worrying the Canadian Football Association regarding the salary inequality between the men and women who represent the national team.

The Canadian women’s team even threatened to boycott the tournament, but decided to play and protest before the matches to show his position to the world. The Canadian Football Association has cut the budget of the women’s team on the eve of the World Cup, which will be played between July and August in Australia and New Zealand.

The men’s team also suffered a budget cut, but after his participation in the World Cup in Qatar. According to the athletes, this shows what the managers’ priority is.

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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