The press reports the death of a Canadian after plastic surgery; fake news is denied | k-pop

The news that the Canadian actor and influencer Saint Von Colucci, 22, died last Sunday (23), in South Korea, after experiencing complications during plastic surgery, this is untrue. The alleged artist reportedly spent around $222,000 to look like Jimin ParkBTS star, but the man is believed not to exist and his image was generated by artificial intelligence programs.

The statement sent by his supposed press officer to the newspaper The daily mailthe first to publish the story, said Saint’s goal, in addition to looking like the star, was to be able to portray him on the show pretty lies. He would then have developed an infection, would have been intubated and would have died following a new operation.

O daily mail removed the article from the air and, according to the Canadian website iHeartthe editors of the English newspaper have determined that the journalist Ruth Bashinsky, from New York, was tricked and the whole story is a hoax. The elaborate hoax, reposted by outlets around the world, including WHOlisted the actor’s alleged surgeries, such as rhinoplasty, facelift, lip reduction, eyebrow and eye lift, and his expectations of success in South Korea.

Saint Von Colucci after cosmetic surgery — Photo: Reproduction/Twitter

Grayson Saunders

"Typical thinker. Unapologetic alcoholaholic. Internet fanatic. Pop culture advocate. Tv junkie."

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