Brazilians in Canada watch the World Cup with ‘divided hearts’, but this Wednesday they wear red and white | Santos and region

A half-Brazil and half-Canada garland was placed on the door of the Brazilians — Photo: Personal Archives/Andreza Nascimento

A family from Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, who moved to Quebec, Canada three years ago in search of greater security and now prepare to watch World Cup matches football, in Qatar, the heart shared between the selections of the two countries.

According to logistics assistant, Andreza Nascimento, 40, she, her functional analyst husband, Douglas Nascimento, 36, and their two sons Arthur, 5, and Thierry, 1, are still rooted for Brazil, but say they inevitable not to support the country that welcomed them with respect.

“Most of the time there is a winner and sometimes a tie. We know the Brazilian talent on the pitch, but maybe Canada is well prepared too. No matter the result, we will be very happy to be able to celebrate and encourage two countries,” explained Andrea.

The Canadian team will face Belgium in the afternoon of this Wednesday (23). Brazil, on the other hand, will come into play against Serbia on Thursday (24). Although she decided to support both countries, the logistics assistant said she was looking forward to the six-time championship title.

A Brazilian who lives in Canada says she can’t wait to see Brazil win the title of six-time World Cup champion — Photo: Personal Archives/Andreza Nascimento

“Our hearts will beat and we will shout a goal for both of us. It will be intense and striking, but imagine one more little star on our yellow jersey? As they say, Brazil are the best with the ball at their feet. I hope the team and the players are in synergy, connected to achieve the goal of being six times world champion”.

At g1, Andreza said that in Santos the family always comes together to celebrate and support Brazil. In Quebec, according to her, people prefer hockey and will therefore meet at home with a few friends. “We already got popcorn and sodas. Now it’s time to sit on the couch and rejoice.”

She also added that most Brazilians would go to PUBs [bares] celebrate Brazilian style, but as he has two small children, he will not be able to accompany them.

A family of Brazilians in Canada watch the World Cup with ‘divided hearts’ — Photo: Personal Archives

VIDEOS: g1 in 1 minute Santos

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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