Plus-size influencer protests fatphobia for not crossing plane aisle

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Plus-size influencer Big Curvy Olivia of TikTok fame has taken issue with airlines for not making airplanes more accessible to fat people.

In the video, the woman showed how difficult it was for her to cross the aisle of the bus to get to her seat. Images

“Honestly, it’s discrimination that [as companhias aéreas] can’t build wider aisles on planes in 2024,” she wrote in the short video, which has been viewed around 700,000 times.

Big Curvy Olivia was on a United Airlines plane in economy class. In the comments, in addition to a lot of grossophobia, users suggested that he start using first class, where there is more space for passengers.

See the video :

In April this year, Canadian digital influencer Jaelynn Chaney, who is an activist in the body positivity movement in the United States, raised support for a proposal that wants to change civil aviation rules for fat people.

Chaney signed a petition and submitted a request to the US Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) for obese people to have access to more free seats on flights, if needed, as well as a request for restrooms in planes are more accessible.

“As tall travelers, my partner and I unfortunately experienced discrimination and discomfort during the flight,” she wrote in her petition, which has been signed by around 4,300 people so far. day.

“All tall passengers should have an extra free seat, or even two or three seats, depending on their size, to meet their needs and ensure their comfort during the flight,” added the influencer.

New York City recently passed a law stating that fatphobia can be considered discrimination such as racism, ethnicity, national origin, and sexual orientation.

Benjamin Allen

"Evil pop culture fanatic. Extreme bacon geek. Food junkie. Thinker. Hipster-friendly travel nerd. Coffee buff."

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