The Blumenau company recently acquired by a multinational lays off 60 employees

The court implicated 60 employees, including 10 working in Blumenau (Picture: Disclosure)

Three months after being bought by the Canadian multinational Volaris, GovBR, a Blumenau company that develops management solutions for the public sector, made adjustments to its staff last week. In total, about 60 people were made redundant, including 10 working at headquarters. The company remains with 650 employees.

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Wanted, the GovBR claimed in a memo (see below) that it “has focused on making the changes needed in the business to help build stability and sustainability in the business.”

In the column, President Marcelo Oliveira Lima said that the focus remains on growth, based, among other actions, on increased investment in the product area, which will reach 50 million reais.

GovBR is The heiress of Cetil, a computer services office created in the late 1960s, which is for many the “mother company” of Blumenau’s technology center. In May, the company announced the sale to Volaris Group, a Toronto-based multinational operating in more than 50 countries. The company’s value was not disclosed.

What does the GovBR say?

Check out the company note:

The GOVBR team has been focused on driving the business changes necessary to help bring stability and sustainability to the business and products our customers rely on.

We take a long-term view and look forward to staying close to our customers and continuing to solve the critical issues that matter to the communities in which we operate.

This involved making some necessary limited headcount adjustments while readjusting investments to properly position the business for long-term sustainable growth.

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Elmer Hayward

"Pop culture fan. Coffee expert. Bacon nerd. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Friendly gamer."

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